Primary Assembly -Pentecost, the power of Love (May)

YouTube link:
An all-age assembly which explores an introduction to Pentecost and how it impacts Christians today.
Easily adaptable, this online assembly presented by the COINS Team can be extended into a simple session with focus questions and simple craft activity.
It works as a whole school assembly in a main hall, a classroom or sent home for pupils and parents to enjoy.
Filmed on location at the Kennet and Avon Canal the COINS Team are joined by Christian Charities from around the Newbury Area. Including the Bus of Hope, CAP – Christians Against Poverty, Street Pastors and the YMCA – this assembly explains what happened at the very first Pentecost and how the Holy Spirit is still inspiring Christians today.
For a link that can easily be sent home to parents simply copy and paste:
Session plan:
Craft instructions: